Saturday, January 29, 2011

Hellooo World!

I've decided this blog will cover just about everything. My brain is far too sporadic to really focus on one subject. So tonight's blog will be whatever takes over my mind.

First off, I don't know a great deal about hockey, but I love it. I am definitely not a violent person, but any sport where you can throw down and not really get in trouble is awesome. The All-Star Superskills program is on tonight, right now to be exact, and I am pretty excited! This is my first year to really watch hockey and I have to say, it is pretty addicting. I have lived in Texas my whole life, it is 75 degrees today. In January. Hockey is not that big here. It should be. With that said, I don't have one specific favorite team. I like the Dallas Stars, Washington Capitals, Pittsburgh Penguins, and even a little bit of Chicago Blackhawks occasionally. Some of those are probably bandwagon teams. I was a Caps fan only, but then I saw the HBO special on them and the Penguins. After watching it, I really liked the Penguins too. The shows really allowed the viewers to see how the players are off the ice, and some of them are pretty funny. Anyways, I'm excited to watch my first NHL All-star weekend on TV. I also have to admit, I can't pronounce any of these guys' names. Which also means I can't remember them. Color me sheltered and Southern. I can pronounce most Spanish names? Product of where I'm from?

Today I saw a video of Brian Wilson, San Francisco Giants pitcher. Ya know...Fear the Beard? Okay, I was totally rooting for the Rangers to win the World Series this past year, but this guy is a hoot. He is too funny. Not to mention, seriously talented. If you have never seen an interview with him, look one up. He just did one with George Lopez and it is definitely worth watching.

Oh, and as a Vikings fan...GO STEELERS! As a Texan and living a few minutes from the stadium, I cannot wait for this Super Bowl to be over!

My new thing of the moment...other than this: Soldiers' Angels! They are a great non-profit organization where you can adopt a currently deployed soldier to write to weekly and send one care package a month to. There are also other ways to get involved. Whether you support the war or not, you support the troops.

Off to cook dinner and watch some skills.